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I began drawing and painting as a further interest and assistance to my professional work as a photographer and exhibition display designer and I now paint full time. I am an elected Artist Member of both the Glasgow Society of Women Artists and the Paisley Art Institute and exhibit regularly with them and in other exhibitions throughout the UK. I have also had several solo exhibitions and my work has been published by two international card companies. For over twenty years I painted mainly in watercolour, using strong undiluted colour as well as flooding the paintings with very diluted paint and lots of water. After enjoying the unique challenges of the watercolour medium, I began to incorporate acrylics and mixed media in the form of oil pastels and a variety of drawing materials. My subjects range from Abstracts, Florals, Landscapes and Still Life.
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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 12.00 to 5.30pm

Sunday - 1.00 to 5.00pm

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Permission is explicitly denied for any republication of text or photographs in this site without the prior express written consent of the Artist and/or Gallery Owner. This includes publishing in print and on the internet for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

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