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At The Seagull Gallery, we offer a consultation service that draws on our specialist knowledge and expertise to provide you with the range of choices available. The display of artworks is a key factor on where your art can be showcased to best effect and we are happy to advise on this.


Recognising what pleases your eye is the most essential step in your journey into the world of art.  With careful guidance, we can support you with your selection of artworks, in whatever form, that will suit your taste and compliment your home or workplace. 


After all, what surrounds us should inspire us!


Please contact us directly – 01475 632174 – or complete the submit Contact Form 



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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 12.00 to 5.30pm

Sunday - 1.00 to 5.00pm

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Permission is explicitly denied for any republication of text or photographs in this site without the prior express written consent of the Artist and/or Gallery Owner. This includes publishing in print and on the internet for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

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